Curriculum Snapshots
Prep | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Optimising every student's opportunity to achieve to their full potential is central to Wilston State School's commitment to all students. Working in partnership with parents and families, we enact our vision "Every student succeeding through high quality inclusive education." Teachers plan for the implementation of the Australian Curriculum in such a way that each child can access the curriculum and be successful learners.
Excellence in teaching is the single most powerful influence on student achievement (Hattie2003; Timperley 2009). Research shows that no one approach, strategy or program will give the best results or suit all students. To best cater for all students, teachers need a thorough understanding and use a range of effective strategies. These are research-based, high yield, responsive to the diverse learning needs of students and consistent across classrooms. Our teachers work steadfastly to shape and improve pedagogy in order to optimise learning.
Explicit Instruction
Explicit instruction is a structured, systematic and effective methodology for teaching academic skills. At Wilston State School, this features carefully planned lessons designed to engage, retain and question. Lessons begin with learning intent and success criteria thereby providing student’s clarity regarding what is to be learned and what success will look like. The next components are ‘Warm Ups’, including instructional routines and ‘I Do, We Do, and You Do’, which explains and models concepts allowing students to operate successfully and confidently.
Students learn why learning is important, with concepts explained and modelled to improve their understanding and allows for student application and their ability to question. Learning moves from short to long-term memory, so they effectively retain what they are learning. This lays a foundation for academic success. Teaching occurs with feedback, scaffolding and rehearsal until independent mastery has been achieved.